5th Grade Outdoor Science Camp

Every year, Plavan 5th grade students get the opportunity to attend Outdoor Science Camp. This camp experience is aligned with the Common Core science curriculum set by the State of California and is designed to strengthen 5th grade science concepts. Additionally, campers work on character building, teamwork, independence, self-reliance, leadership, and confidence. This amazing experience provides our students with the opportunity to make memories, learn valuable life skills, and engage in active learning.


The cost for Outdoor Science Camp is raised through active fundraising and voluntary parent donations. Money raised for camp goes into the camp fund that will benefit your student once they enter 5th grade. Plavan PTO hosts ongoing fundraising events all year such as pizza sales, our annual Ball Drop, and many more. We hope you will join us in supporting our Outdoor Education Fund so that every Plavan student has the opportunity to experience 5th grade Outdoor Science Camp.



Click here to make a donation to this year's camp: DONATE NOW 




Our camp dates have been changed to Monday, 4/21/25 - Wednesday, 4/23/25 (the week after Spring Break)


Additional Information & reSOUrCES


Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

  • In-n-Out Food Truck @ Plavan's Multicultural Fair - Thursday, February 6


For more information or to volunteer, please contact outdoored@plavanpto.org.