Family Sweetheart's Dance

Friday, February 21 - 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Item DescriptionPriceQty
 Family Dance Ticket for One
Each person attending will need a ticket. This is not a drop-off event. Please ensure your child has an adult chaperone present.
 Boutonniere - White Rose more
 Corsage - White Rose more


PTO is accepting donations of desserts and drinks for the Family Sweethearts Dance. Any donation is highly appreciated. Please check the sign-ups genius link below. PLEASE DROP OFF ITEMS AT THE FRONT OFFICE BIN BY THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20.

Volunteers are also needed to help set-up/clean-up and monitor refreshments. VOLUNTEER TO HELP DURING THE DANCE: Volunteer Here! 


This is not a drop-off event. Please ensure your child has an adult chaperone present.